Functioning of the System-2

November 29, 2008

We are talking about functionality of the System. We have already discussed on Building feedback and reinforcing mechanisms, Balancing quantitative and qualitative decisions and Balancing internal and external expertise. Today we are going to discuss on Planning for evolution of HRD.


d) Planning for the evolution of HRD: Various aspects of HRD can be introduced into the organization in stages, depending on its needs, size and level of sophistication. Some aspects may require a great deal of preparation. Rushing the introduction of an aspect of HRD may limit its effectiveness. Each stage should be planned carefully, with sequenced phases built one over the other. This may include: 

1.     Geographical phasing: introducing the system in a few parts of the organization and slowly spreading it to other parts. This may be necessary in a large or widely located organization.

2.     Vertical phasing: introducing the system at one or a few levels in the organization and expanding up or down gradually.

3.     Functional phasing: introducing one function or subsystem, followed by other functions. For example, introducing job specifications (identification of critical attributes of jobs) before introducing a complete potential-appraisal system.

4.     Sophistication phasing: introducing simple forms of subsystems, followed after some time by more sophisticated forms.

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